Saturday, July 14, 2007

how have we been?

it's been ages. there have been fridays in london for many, but some of us are far and away, so really, we need a platform, an intergalactic jemba gateway to sow and extract the updates, the milestones, the razzmatazz, pictures of drooling newborns and of course answers to other important questions such as did anyone start a company, is global warming for real, who's shagging who and is keval in jail yet.

check out the help function if the interface doesn't make sense to you, and share your stuff.

what has jan been up to? after plugging away one and a half year as the greater china strategy dude for maersk, i moved south to shenzhen july last year into an operational role at maersk logistics, running a department taking care of supply chain management for the home depot, staples, nike, adidas, puma, hennes & mauritz, and a few others. we started out with about 100 people and have now grown to about 250.

the chinese internet company i worked for in 2000 and then left without taking my stock options because they were overpriced, has announced plans to go public, and had i kept the shares i would now have been propelled straight into retirement.

i still haven't married, still have no kids and no dog. i want to start a company that changes the world.

i have a great place by the sea across the border with hong kong, and i'm a real stud on my balcony.